
Monday - Saturday
10am - 6pm


Always available
(It’s technically around the corner on Oregon Street, just past the staircase!)

Tuesday - Saturday
9am - 6pm

Sunday, Monday

Closed for renovations - Check back with us in 2024!

Hours of operation are subject to change without notice


2701 Adams Ave
San Diego, CA 92116

T: +1 619-501-5367 (LENS)
E: info@safelightlabs.com


Meet the Safelight Team


Safelight Labs was founded in 2017 built from a passion for all things film photography.

photo by Tim Chisham

photo by Tim Chisham

Rob Cowan - Owner

Rob started shooting film back in the 90’s when that was the only choice. The first camera he ever purchased was a Canon Rebel 2000, which he still has to this day and shoots with on a regular basis, this time with a 50mm f/1.8 lens (aka, the Nifty Fifty). In the mid 2000’s, when digital SLR’s really were taking off, Rob purchased his first Canon DSLR and shot with that for many years, doing portrait work, family photos, and everything in between.

It wasn’t until 2017 when he was gifted his grandfather’s Nikkormat EL (Nikon) that it propelled him back in to shooting film. The first roll of film through it was nothing but street photography and he was immediately hooked again. Moving on from there, Rob has amassed more than 30+ cameras in his personal collection ranging from small, stealth like point and shoots (Minox 35GL) to standard SLR’s, to medium format cameras made by Mamiya and Yashica.

Rob currently lives in San Diego with his wife, two dogs, two cats, and his camera collection.

Email Rob at rob@safelightlabs.com or find him most days at our partner business, Camera Exposure.

Caitie Boreliz - Owner

Since September 2020, Caitie has run the day to day operations of Safelight Labs. She has been the silent partner for Safelight since its inception, working behind the scenes. She has 7 years experience in small business organization from retail to nonprofit industries. While she is new to photography, she studied art, humanities, and film in college.

She is looking forward to growing Safelight Labs and continuing to create a sense of community for film-shooters in San Diego.

You can reach Caitie at caitie@safelightlabs.com.

Photo by Stephanie Rosie

Photo by Stephanie Rosie